Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Top Ten Tuesday

*Starting to get into the tough times for rehearsal, so the next few weeks may have a meagerness to them.*

Top Ten Reasons Fall is Awesome
  1. Summer is over Most folks see this as a major bummer, but I'm here to convince you otherwise. Summer is overrated. It's hot and sticky and the sun is out all the time. Beaches are gross and full of sand, (God's own inescapable glitter.) People love showing skin where they have no place showing it,  summer beers are refreshing, but rarely good, and there's nothing good on TV. Not to mention all the pressure to vacation and be outside and do stuff...what a terrible hassle.
  2. The days get shorter I like seasons that aren't in that parabola stage of day length, that have equinoxes and the like. And I like the dark better. I mean, don't get me wrong, I hate the crap out of winter, especially in the Boston time zone which gets dark at 4. But there's something neat about having the night slowly creep up on you.
  3. Beer is good - even in the pumpkin hype The general consensus I get is that people are sick of pumpkin beer. In the past five years the pumpkin craze has taken over everything and I understand it getting out of hand. But Oktoberfest style!! And pumpkin stouts and hardy red ales and ciders and APPLE FRIGGIN' CIDER! 
  4. The air is perfect The crisp bite. The smell of burning wood and dead leaves. The crackling thinness. Breathe it in deep. 
  5. Sweaters and scarves Is there nothing cozier? That's all I got really. EXCEPT when you do a campfire late at night an that stud smells like that for days. Mmmmmm.
  6. Halloween I'm a Theater major with a sweet tooth and a penchant for morbidity. Halloween is my JAM! I also love the tradition of pumpkin carving, (especially if you can re-purpose the seeds and husk...otherwise it's a gross misuse of perfectly good food.)  speaking of gross misuse of food...
  7. Thanksgiving Food and family. I would say football, but it's not that big a deal to me. But gorging yourself with people you love is pretty high on my list of favorites. Also it's always close to Emily's birthday and that's pretty great.
  8. You get all the weather From those surprising September heat waves to freak November blizzards you see the full spectrum.
  9. School starts I always liked school. It meant structure and wonder and friends. And it also meant new beginnings more than New Years every managed to produce.
  10. The reminders of the imminent nature of death are everywhere! The leaves turning and falling. The darkness and cold creeping in. You turn into a Stark. Winter is coming.
Haiku of the Day:
Inhaled a whole tray
of biscuits last night in haste.
Stomach not happy.

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Pell-mell" from MW's word of the day.

Today's "365" Project (Do something with soap!)

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