Friday, June 27, 2014

Travel Day - Maine!

Got on bus to Portland, ME today to visit my aunt, uncle and grandfather. It's always such a great thing to see the city peel away so quickly and be faced with wilderness again. It's hard to remember how much of it there is when you're in the heart of things.

Not going to say much today due to the lack of free time, but I must say I got a call from an old high school friend today that I wasn't expecting...and it was one of the best gifts I could have received.

Also halfway through The Four Agreements and I know it's an older, hippy-dippy sort of book, but I'm loving where it's putting me mentally. I guess that's the point.

Here's to new beginnings and a sense of peace and cleansing!

Haiku of the Day:
Northeastern sunset
Golds and purples over bay
Sailboats glide shining

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Rancid" spoken by Mindy Matz)

Today's 365 Project (Do something with JUST ripping, drawing etc.)
"Slef Protriat"

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