I only knew you for a small fraction of your time here, but the time you gave was smart and rambunctious and kind, and I'm thankful for every minute of it. I'm reminded in particular to the moment of us prepping to exit the cabinet during Lover's Quarrels and how intimate it felt as we mirrored each other in the dark, hands pressed tight to the handles, waiting for our cue. Rest in peace Bryan.
Going strong on a few of the goals I set out to achieve in June. There are a few I've been neglecting, mostly due to my recent employment shakeup (all my doing, but it was a long time coming and the timing couldn't be better). Enjoying my Duolingo "studies" and I've taking geography quizzes frequently enough that I can now place most of 190ish countries. Started up the Hero's Journey once more and enjoying the hard work and day-to-day continual soreness. Emily's mom will be coming to town later this week and I'm looking forward to the both of them getting some lovely R&R. They both work stupid hard and deserve it.
Looking forward once I have gainful employment, I'm going to start adding a few new things where and when I can. Until tomorrow!