Monday, December 31, 2018

Here We Go Kids...

I've got a couple things to talk about today, on the last day of the tire fire that was 2018, (they're all tire fires).

The first is that I've finally updated all of my pictures that I didn't post during the past two weeks. You can go back and check them out or go to my tumblr (HERE) to check them out.

The second ties to the pictures...on December 20th and 23rd my brothers and I invented a nerdy game tied to the Pokemon video game franchise. The rules are in my "Game Corner" section on the right of the site. We're very proud of it. 

Today's Haiku
Doing some circuits
with an old college buddy
It's good to catch up

Today's Workout
Running: 4.8 miles
DAREBEE: I'm gonna restart this in the New Year :P

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Hark Back from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Gearing up for Breaking Down

I'm working on scanning and updating all the pictures from during the holidays. Those should be up by day end tomorrow.

Looking at my stats at the halfway point and going into the New Year I'm pretty happy with what I see. The struggles are predicable: Drinking alcohol and coffee, eating savory snacks and watching TV. I'm thinking about some things to help curb this further, as I do every year.

Week 27

Running Mileage: 507.7/1,000
Drinks: 220/365
Vegan: 26/100
Books Completed: 15/25
Words Written: 199,896/350,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 91/171
TV: 72/120
Gaming: 101/141
Booze: 76/163
Coffee: 72/150
Junk (Savory): 57/100
Junk (Sweet): 88/100
Eat Out: 127/100

Today's Haiku
Booming new neighbor
with a laugh like Seth Rogen
I am not a fan

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEE: (Holding off for a bit)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Obdurate from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Saturday, December 29, 2018

TRAVEL DAY: On the Long Road Home

Today's Haiku
Finally back home
the holidays were so nice
but quite exhausting

Today's Workout
(Driving all day)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Fulcrum from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Friday, December 28, 2018

Last Day in Michigan

Today's Haiku
Puzzle contraption
confining a wine bottle
and perplexing me

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEE: (Still no room at the Inn)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Canorous from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Jug Sentinels

Today's Haiku
Line of water jugs
Keeping the pool tarp secure
from the winter gusts

Today's Workout
Running: 6 miles
DAREBEE: (Not enough space where I'm at to do it :| )

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Enervate from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Cat Protest

Today's Haiku
Mewling Cleo cat
angry and hungry by choice
she's just too picky

Today's Workout
(Feeling a little under the weather)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Utmost from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Xmas Tamales

Today's Haiku
Christmas tamales
wrapped in thin yellow corn husks
and tied with a bow

Today's Workout
(No because of Christmas)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Benison from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Monday, December 24, 2018


Today's Haiku
Up until 2 am
shooting the sh*t with family
and drinking too much

Today's Workout
Running: 5.1 miles

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Grinch from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Sunday, December 23, 2018


Week 26

Running Mileage: 490.33/1,000
Drinks: 205/365
Vegan: 26/100
Books Completed: 13/25
Words Written: 195,034/350,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 87/171
TV: 67/120
Gaming: 98/141
Booze: 74/163
Coffee: 69/150
Junk (Savory): 57/100
Junk (Sweet): 88/100
Eat Out: 121/100

Today's Haiku
Bizarre Christmas songs
a piecemeal youtube playlist
We riff like crazy

Today's Workout
Running: 4.7 miles
DAREBEE: (Too busy familying)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Assuage from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

This is a drawing from a game I invented with my brothers. This is one of my favorite examples from our second playtest, which we did with the whole family. If you want a full explanation of what the hell you're looking at, head to the "Game Corner" section on the right sidebar!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Nog's Got Me Down

Pro-tip: When you pick up your phone, place your hand over the screen immediately and say out loud what you are going to do on it. This helps avoid getting distracted.

Today's Haiku
Late afternoon slump
Is it cause I drank eggnog?
Yes. It's the eggnog

Today's Workout
Running: 5.2 miles
DAREBEEDay 87 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Compendious from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Friday, December 21, 2018

Out in the Liberal Rats' Nest

Today's Haiku
Slummin' 'round Ann Arbor
doing last minute shopping
I don't like waiting

Today's Workout
(On the run all day)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Solstice from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Childhood, Revisted

Today's Haiku
Pocket monsters drawn
based on prompts in candle jars
We laugh like donkeys

Today's Workout
(Prioritizing family time)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Frenetic from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

This is a drawing from a game I invented with my brothers. This is one of our favorites. If you want a full explanation of what the hell you're looking at, head to the "Game Corner" section on the right sidebar!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Light Trip

Today's Haiku
Stuffed in father's truck
we set out for neighborhoods
full of Christmas lights

Today's Workout
Running: 4.8 miles
DAREBEE: Skipped for work and long run

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Tchotchke from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


This day was easier. Got time to sleep and breath. Dad went through all the subsequent paperwork and we helped start to get a sense of what all was there. Nostalgia mixed with a little pain. Went to a movie for my brother's birthday. A welcome distraction.

Today's Haiku
Going through effects
Mimi was a worldly one
and classy as hell

Today's Workout
Running: 3.5 miles
DAREBEEDay 86 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Millefleur from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Monday, December 17, 2018


My grandmother passed this morning at 2am. My aunt was there when it happened and we showed up ten minutes after her passing. Lots of tears. Lots of waiting. Lots of fumbling about what to do next, who to call, where to start, how to feel. The rest of the day was lurching from one numb event to the next. All sense of time out the window. And we grieved together but also on our own stormy islands.

I'm glad we came. She was worth it all and more. I love you Mimi. I'm glad you were ready and that it was fast.

Today's Haiku
A long hellish day
grief stricken and sleep deprived
we manage to laugh

Today's Workout
Running: 4.9 miles
DAREBEEDay 85 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Epitome from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

In lieu of the passing of my grandmother, I'm reposting a picture from 8/5/18
I think it best represents the "epitome" of my grief

Sunday, December 16, 2018

TRAVELING - Impromptu Home Journey

Week 25

Running Mileage: 467.24/1,000
Drinks: 188/365
Vegan: 26/100
Books Completed: 12/25
Words Written: 190,179/350,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 84/171
TV: 60/120
Gaming: 91/141
Booze: 74/163
Coffee: 66/150
Junk (Savory): 56/100
Junk (Sweet): 86/100
Eat Out: 117/100

Today's Haiku
Ornamental bells
repurposed to call family
in case of distress

Today's Workout
(I stretched my legs a few times...)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Vitiate from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Saturday, December 15, 2018


I found out my grandmother has become sick enough to be moved into hospice care. Emily and I will be leaving a one week early (tomorrow) to see her. 

Today's Haiku
Reeling from worry
the family huddles in close
to soothe the matron

Today's Workout
(Not really feeling it today)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Nidus from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Friday, December 14, 2018

Glasgow and Angora

One time, in Glasgow, I found a pendant of St. Christopher, the patron saint of travel. I discovered it after visiting the Necropolis, a mountain full of dead folks. I was lost, the sun had just set and it was around a lamppost.  I didn't know the pendant was of St. Christopher until later, when a previously Catholic Englishman pointed it out to me. 

After that, I wore it all the time.


Months later, the pedant fell off. Probably when I was "in my cups."  Hopefully someone else found it. 

But odds are it's ground deep into a sidewalk crack.

Today's Haiku
On the patchwork board
we race to get Tetris pieces
I get my ass kicked

Today's Workout
Running: 2.3 miles
DAREBEEDay 84 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Zibeline from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Sleep Bereft

Idea: I want to take an old camelpack, conceal a small tank of helium in the back and hook it up so the helium goes through the water hose. Then go to a funeral home as a really dehydrated guy who just lost his wife.

Today's Haiku
Sleep study tryout
I fill out some questionnaires
and get rejected 

Today's Workout
Running: 4.5 miles
DAREBEEDay 83 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Perennial from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Moons and Men

A Secret: Every time the song "Be A Man" from Disney's Mulan comes on my running playlist, I weep like a baby and don't know why

Today's Haiku
Brief phone interview
from a scheduling mishap
not a great surprise

Today's Workout
Running: 3.2 miles
DAREBEEDay 82 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Lunette from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Sawing Logs

Today's Haiku
I slept for 9 hours
This is unprecedented
Maybe a gas leak?

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEEDay 81 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Immure from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Monday, December 10, 2018

Breakfast and Jest

Today's Haiku
A diner breakfast
Two eggs and potato hash
This is my heaven

Today's Workout
Running: 4.9 miles
DAREBEE: (Off due to long run)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Repartee from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Vanishing Act

Week 24

Running Mileage: 449.21/1,000
Drinks: 174/365
Vegan: 23/100
Books Completed: 12/25
Words Written: 185,471/350,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 79/171
TV: 58/120
Gaming: 90/141
Booze: 74/163
Coffee: 62/150
Junk (Savory): 55/100
Junk (Sweet): 84/100
Eat Out: 111/100

Today's Haiku
A face-down stupor
something went wrong with today
And now it is gone

Today's Workout

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Galumph from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Dollies Anyone?

Today's Haiku
Hauling furniture
I just love helping friends move
Something's wrong with me

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEE: (Moved a bed and an elliptical instead!)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Approbation from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Friday, December 7, 2018

Shopping Snag

Today's Haiku
My new whole foods grift:
Get bulk shiitake mushrooms
and mislabel them

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEEDay 80 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Sandbag from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thin on the Ground

Today's Haiku
Hardcore protein bars
Hoping to gain some poundage
I'm skinny as hell

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEEDay 79 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Dossier from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Shofar Strut

Today's Haiku
Man dressed in all black
Going for a winter's walk
with a HUGE shofar

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEEDay 78 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Abandon from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Most Important Meal of the Day

Today's Haiku
Today for breakfast
Banana, garlic toast, and
a glass of eggnog

Today's Workout
Running:  NOT TODAY
DAREBEEDay 77 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Perspicacious from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Monday, December 3, 2018

Wheelies and Ants

Today's Haiku
Popping a wheelie
straight through an intersection
cool or dangerous?

Today's Workout
Running: 4.8 miles

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Circumvent from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Science Man

Week 23

Running Mileage: 431.97/1,000
Drinks: 167/365
Vegan: 23/100
Books Completed: 12/25
Words Written: 180,044/350,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 77/171
TV: 57/120
Gaming: 90/141
Booze: 71/163
Coffee: 59/150
Junk (Savory): 53/100
Junk (Sweet): 82/100
Eat Out: 106/100

Today's Haiku
In foggy twilight
the heart swells with mystery
scared of what's out there

Today's Workout
Running: 6.2 miles
DAREBEEDay 76 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Sciential from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Rain Gods Interfere

Today's Haiku
Random Dance Party
wielding high-brow hex wrenches
One hell of a time

Today's Workout
(The Rain Gods were pissed today)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Mayhem from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Friday, November 30, 2018

Surprise Doc!

Today's Haiku
Flustering doctors
prattle off explanations
for my parasites

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEE: (Had to choose either running or the this because of Malaria stuff)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Dram from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Malaria Update!

I've been a little silent about the Malaria Study so I'll catch everyone up on what's happened since my last update. So after the hotel phase, I came back a week later to check in and get my blood analyzed. During that period they discovered that multiple people had come down with malaria after the hotel phase and had to return for treatment. So just to be safe, they treated everyone with Malarone for three days. It wasn't a big deal, just a little bit of nausea the second day. I thought I was in the clear today, since it was my final test and I didn't have symptoms. NOPE! Turns out my tests came back positive and I've got to go through a whole different treatment from the Malarone. Whopee. 

Today's Haiku
Rusty exhaust pipe
We think we're in deep caca
But the alarm's false

Today's Workout
(Too busy reeling from Malaria and a car repair)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Ritzy from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Fire in Spirit

Today's Haiku
Presents by the fire
well actually a fake fire
It's the thought that counts

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEEDay 75 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Betwixt from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Wind and Weeeeee

Today's Haiku
Unbearable winds
cut through my thin long-sleeved shirt
and redden my hands

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEEDay 74 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Yahoo from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Monday, November 26, 2018

First Day Back

Returning home after the holidays is always a shock, and it's especially weird considering we're going back so soon. And after the excitement of the election work and the malaria study I'm suddenly finding myself a little lost on this final leg of 2018. Is it weird that every year continues to feel like the end of the world? Has this always been the case?

Today's Haiku
Predatory call
to try and hire me as a
pyramid builder

Today's Workout
Running: 3.1 miles
DAREBEEDay 73 from 90 Days of Action

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Quirk from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Sunday, November 25, 2018

TRAVEL DAY: Headed back home

Drove for 10 hours to get home today. Two hours longer than usual because of crazy Thanksgiving traffic but since we left really early we skipped a decent amount of it. Excited to be back home and digging back into normal life...that is until we make the trip again in a month for Christmas!

I've been posting these updates on my goals and fasts and feeling great about them. There are a few I'm still falling behind on and I've been finding doing Vegan days is very hard. I can't find an easy comfort food to turn to that doesn't involve would really help if I was lactose intolerant. Maybe it'll still happen? It apparently develops in a lot of people later in life.

Week 22

Running Mileage: 413.37/1,000
Drinks: 163/365
Vegan: 22/100
Books Completed: 12/25
Words Written: 167,495/350,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 74/171
TV: 56/120
Gaming: 90/141
Booze: 67/163
Coffee: 56/150
Junk (Savory): 53/100
Junk (Sweet): 77/100
Eat Out: 100/100

Today's Haiku
Pants down to ankles
A rest stop bathroom kid beams
peeing like a champ

Today's Workout
(On the road all day)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Occlusion from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Today's Haiku
Diner called Bombers
where the riveters ate eggs
and American fries 

Today's Workout
Running: 3.15 miles
DAREBEE: (Off for travel)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Audacious from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Friday, November 23, 2018

Hot Sauce Tasting

Today's Haiku
Crackers in a row
kissed with spots of burning sauce
Time to man up boys

Today's Workout
Running: 3.75 miles
DAREBEE: (Off for Holiday)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Impromptu from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Turkey Daaaayyyyyyy

Mom set up a drawing station during part of the festivities. The result is at the bottom of the post :P

Today's Haiku
Hosting the high court
kin feasting like royalty
and drinking like squires

Today's Workout
(Off for T-day)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Cornucopia from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Bottle Feeder

Today's Haiku
Booze receptacles
fed in at ten cents a pop
we made fifteen bucks

Today's Workout
(Taking the day for chores and T-Day prep)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Noisome from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Do I Still Call it Home?

Back at my childhood home! Both nostalgic and surreal, as usual.

Today's Haiku
After dinner drinks
for tonight's entertainment:
Youtube videos

Today's Workout
Running: 3.2 miles
DAREBEE: (Off due to travel)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Perforce from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

Monday, November 19, 2018

Frosty the Fire Truck

More family chill time, moving boxes, hanging lights and raking leaves.

Today's Haiku
Frost caked fire engine
old and labeled "L7"
Caged behind chain link

Today's Workout
Running: 4.2 miles
DAREBEE: (Off for the Holidays)

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Henchman from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

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