Saturday, January 18, 2020


I'm going on a blog freeze for a while. Not sure how long. Figuring some stuff out.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Food Chain

Today's Haiku
Aging strawberries
I must consume them before
the fuzzy bugs do

Thursday, January 16, 2020

That Florescent Hum

Today's Haiku
Mania's return
I missed your sharp clarity
and electric touch

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Praise for the Circle

Today's Haiku
Reality show
usually not my preference
but this one kicks ass

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Arm's Reach

Today's Haiku
Hot coworker tensions
the higher-ups are bristled
and we're stuck between

Monday, January 13, 2020

Audio To-Go

Today's Haiku
New wireless buds
a fresh delightful freedom
small enough to lose

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Laying it Out

Today's Haiku
The Rule Explainer
A title I wear proudly
and I'm good at it

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Friends Friends Friends

Today's Haiku
A friend bonanza!
we visit like maniacs
to meet our quota

Friday, January 10, 2020


Today's Haiku
Ghosting on myself
vacating with no goodbye
now the party's dead

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Capital Awe

Today's Haiku
Footfalls on the mall
such monumental splendors
I forget sometimes

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


I'm in quite a groove at work. The impostor syndrome has finally melted away. It's good to know what you're doing.

Today's Haiku
Medication woes
the pharmacy is my foe
now I'm feeling low

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

White Out

Had a half a snow day today because DC loses it's mind when there's a rumor that snow could happen. It's nice. I totally forgot that was a thing that could happen because this winter has been so mild.

And I didn't get caught in any traffic at all. One of the benefits of public transit. Yeah the older you get the more the boring stuff gets exciting. Although snow days are exciting no matter how old you are, right?

Today's Haiku
Sudden snow closure
we we relish leaving at lunch
by doing nothing

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Itinerant Habit

I used a random word generator to launch into a little bit of writing. Today I got coil. It reminds me of snakes. I've never been a person afraid of snakes. They don't bother me in the way that spiders do. I like to say that I fear things with exoskeletons but not those with spines. It's funny to me how people differ in this way. One of my best friends is scared of mice. My mother is not a fan of reptiles, especially frogs. They say it's a basic fear, an ancestral fear based on poison. I buy that. It feels instinctual, ancient. Of course, with the advantages of the human mind, one can almost always condition oneself through exposure to curb the fear, eliminate it in time.

But spiders? No way man. I don't think I'd ever do that. I reCOIL at the thought.

Today's Haiku
A routine emerges
history says it won't last
enjoy it for now
Today's Workout
Running: 5.5 miles

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Travel: MAGFEST 2

A fun weekend but socially taxing. Too much humanity at these conventions.

Today's Haiku
Farewell gaming hordes
I'll miss your high devotion
but not your odors

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Travel: MAGFEST 1

At an event at National Harbor called MAGFEST.

Today's Haiku
Geek culture prevails
in the convention center
These are my people

Friday, January 3, 2020

Certain People

I'm weary of certain people. You know, people that are certain of things. I think the more certain they feel about the world around them, the more confident they are that they know how everything fits together, the more it shows how disconnected from the true nature of things they are.

I'm quite certain this is the case for all people.

Today's Haiku
Puddle misjudgment
a cruel trick of the dawn light
my foot is soaking

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Back Talk

I've been having back problems. Getting older, right? I know I need to see someone, and I know it'll be so much better if I do, but my mind doesn't wanna. Doesn't wanna deal with the hassle of getting a referral from my PCP. Doesn't wanna have to figure out when to schedule it. Doesn't wanna take the sick time out of work. Doesn't wanna meet new people. Doesn't wanna get there and find out that I just need to rest and stretch more. Doesn't wanna. Doesn't wanna. Doesn't wanna.

Today's Haiku
Chatty coworker
sometimes simple pleasantries
can be exhausting

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New You

Worked up a resolution frenzy. Trying out all kinds of things and hoping some of them stick. It's not the best method but it's what I'm feeling.

Today's Haiku
Gotta change those dates
remember that it's 20
It's hard every year