Sunday, June 29, 2014


Returned to Boston. As uneventful as days go. Tried an Aperol Spritzer, finished a book, discovered bug bites and sunburns and ate one of the best berry muffins I've ever had. First week has been a tough one. Noticing a fatiguing of the will and I'm approaching an edge. I like it. Danger is good. Looking forward to sleep and a new day.

Haiku of the Day:
Wheezing lightning strikes
and sizzles the marrow of
my thick bone hallows

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Smelling" spoken by William Chodos)

Today's "365" Project (Make a piece with something you collect)
"Glasses' Graveyard Mosaic"

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up, Mike. I am impressed. I love the Glasses Graveyard Mosaic.
