Sunday, April 7, 2019

72 Hour Turnover

The move is done. Now it's time to start the process of setting everything up. We have a second bedroom so we at least have a space to store everything while we keep a viable living space. This was not the case when we moved into the last place.

Week 40

Running Mileage: 784.29/1,000
Drinks: 299/365
Vegan: 40/100
Books Completed: 23/25
Words Written: 286,391/350,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 136/171
TV: 103/120
Gaming: 134/141
Booze: 126/163
Coffee: 125/150
Junk (Savory): 81/100
Junk (Sweet): 142/100
Eat Out: 193/100
Today's Haiku
Two hours of running
then we move and climb and clean
and order Chinese

Today's Workout
Running: 12 miles
DAREBEE: Ran those 12 miles and then finished the move. I'm running on fumes

Today's Drawing
(Based on the word Sashay from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day)
***Check out the full catalog of pictures HERE***

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