Monday, February 9, 2015

Snow Day #3!

Dairy of a snow day:

6:45 AM Awoke oddly refreshed. Laid in consciousness for thirty minutes contemplating fear and work and The "capital-F" Future. Came to a calming inner peace and read some twenty pages of "The Autobiography of Red."

7:20 AM Emily's alarm goes off three or four times in succession. She gets up to turn off the big, loud alarm on the floor and I decide to my fancy coffee with the Italian stove-top bubbler. Go back to reading and forget about the bubbler until I hear the sound of it boiling over on the stove. I salvage what I can and get Emily up to take some sips.

8:00 AM Emily leaves for work and I immediately dig into getting caught up on the blog stuff. Spend the remainder of my early morning drawing pictures and writing while listening to music. Do a series of push-ups and sit-ups while watching Crash Course. Look up conditions for running. Get really discouraged that running will be difficult the next few weeks.

11:15 AM Realize Emily had called at 10:45. Call Emily back and help her find some files she needs on her computer. Watch some impressive dance videos and try out some moves. Go down an internet rabbit-hole that involves looking up Sam Smith songs, a BBC article on the future of media and maps of beer origins.

11:34 AM Realize no food has been consumed yet today and have some oatmeal with dried cranberries.

12:56 PM Gather and scan tax information and have a brief conversation with a co-worker on Facebook.

1:35 PM Decide to do a snow day journal and tediously go through the events of the day up to this point forward

2:02 PM Spoke with brother William about a triad of short scripts he had sent me a few days ago. Make english muffin pizza snacks over the course of the chat.

3:08 PM Tear up watching a video about Slaughterhouse Five. Dive back into "The Autobiography of Red."

3:35 PM Book abandoned to pursue a nonsense poetry sputum parade. Mind darkens with the day and I sit in whirling, postulative eddies for a good half hour.

4:27 PM Resurface with the foresight to do some shoveling. Make a face in the snow. Return upstairs refreshed and start constructing glasses.

5:19 PM Call from Emily that she'll be coming home in a little bit. Start reading again.

5:40 PM Begin cooking a parchment paper fish dish.

7:07 PM Finish fish dish and eat while watching TV

9:17 PM Make bug glasses and continue to watch TV

10:02 PM Emily reheats cornmeal baked green beans and they're delicious.

12:15 PM Bedtime! Finish the remainder of the blog stuff.

Haiku of the Day:
Alone, I thrive and
stew like mosquito larvae
in standing water

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Tantara" from MW's word of the day. It's the blare of a trumpet or horn.)

Today's "365" Project (Do something with clouds. I made a face from the product of clouds because that's what the day constituted.)

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