Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Week 31. Good Lord, they're all creeping up on me...

Running Mileage: 569.25/1,000
Push-ups: 5,575/10,000
Sit-ups: 5,575/10,000
Pages Read: 5,860/10,000
Books Completed: 16/25
Words Written: 53,178/100,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 63/100
TV: 82/100
Gaming: COMPLETE 162/100
Meat: 58/100
Junk: 61/100
Booze: 53/100

Shaaaaame. Just scraping by this week. An abysmal showing for running for the first time in a while. Just an example of how quickly a deficit can build from inaction. I went from almost 5 miles away from being on course to almost 30 miles in a couple weeks. The whole task is brutal, with an average of 2.75 miles a day.

Booze continues to fair well and for that I'm grateful.

Otherwise, it's a rather common sort of week.

I'm finding on my days off from work and show I weirdly take less time to work on project stuff. It's something to do with the space of home where I slip into a viscous laziness that becomes impossible to escape. I get discouraged and sad and each activity becomes so much more difficult to accomplish as time goes on. I've become very attuned to my motivational inertia.

At least once a day I get this tiny little pain between my eyebrows when I think about this space. I'm perpetually unsettled with the deadlines, the requirements of my mind and body and where things are for moving forward. It's the contemplation that's the killer. The doing is glorious, lifting and sweet. But to get to each doing there's a jungle of cognitive overgrowth halting forward motion with all their grubby, thinky vines. I dream of a timeless two-beer state, where thought and action form a smooth line from cause to effect. Left to its own narrative wiles, the mind drums up such speculative chaff I either physically arrest the system, or flee into the godless trenches of internet clickbait in an attempt to shake off the fantasies.

Haiku of the Day:
Through crystal wind wisps
I trudge the thin, salted path
between snow mountains

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Retronym" from MW's word of the day. It's a term invented for an older/outdated thing when the distinction must be drawn between it's newer counterpart. i.e. "analog clock" "first wife" or "World War 1")

Today's "365" Project (Make a mosiac.)
"Fracture Likeness"

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