Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What to Give Up


Running Mileage: 558.35/1,000
Push-ups: 5,375/10,000
Sit-ups: 5,375/10,000
Pages Read: 5,686/10,000
Books Completed: 15/25
Words Written: 51,561/100,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 62/100
TV: 79/100
Gaming: COMPLETE 159/100
Meat: 58/100
Junk: 59/100
Booze: 51/100

Slower week due to show. Fallen behind on all the "Stats" above with the exception of Books. Will bounce back soon. It's all shallow margins, so as long as I sustain through the show run I'll get my second wind. Great progress on alcohol. Managing a second week of less booze days than not. I'm thinking about cutting out gummi candy for next year's Forgo (I'm trying out the name.) I've talked on this before but it bears repeating:

When I turned 25 I gave up smoking cigarettes cold turkey. I was never a hard smoker, but I was buying a pack a week or so and doing it pretty regularly while working at the restaurant. And it was like something in me clicked then and I figured it was a better time than ever.

When 26 rolled around, I decided to kick energy drinks. This was easier than cigarettes, but I did end up developing a bit of a coffee habit as a result. At least I'm not consuming all that sugar, (at least from that source.)

This past year at 27 I decided to give up ground beef, with the caveat that I could eat it if I ground it myself. I have yet to try grinding it, or eat ground beef at all since June and I don't find myself missing it all that much. Though quitting traditional tacos and chili were unintended casualties, I'm considering keeping up the trend...unless I get push-back from the Mrs. I which case I'll invest in a grinder.

But this upcoming year has me stumped. I've recently consider quitting gummi snacks because I have no impulse control around them and have eaten entire bags in single sittings which is ATROCIOUS. But that's a pretty deep cut into my lifestyle...I could always go a restriction route, which I should do anyways, but there's something so satisfying to me about quitting something every year especially since I started at 25. The number nerd in me just flips out. So if not the processed sweets than what? I could go down the booze road and quit certain liquors, wines or (gasp) beers, but that might pose a deeper cut in lifestyle than the candy.

If I go too obscure into something I barely even consume/do in the first place it really isn't quitting. But if I pose these as lifetime bans, which I kinda plan on doing, then by 50 I'll just be drinking water and eating kale salad which is NOT sustainable. Unless I keep incorporating the caveats that work to address the more underlying detriments of the vice, and take it on the path to moderation. So instead of "I quit eating potato chips" it's "I quit eating entire bags of potato chips over the course of a TV show." Though quitting all potato chips is a pretty good idea.

So here's a list of candidates:
Gummis/Processed sugar candy
High Fructose Corn Syrup Soda
Potato Chips
Mixed Drinks (hard liquor straight is fine, but mix with anything with sugar in it and NO!)

Haiku of the Day:
What nonsense is this?
Emily's chemical peel!
Face might just fall off!

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Pandiculation" from MW's word of the day. It's the stretchy, reachy movements a thing does when it's tired.)

Today's "365" Project (Do something with paper treating it like fabric.)
"Pulp and Weave"

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