Saturday, January 24, 2015

Cut the Crap

So for the few of you that follow regularly, I'm sure you've noticed that I'm rather lax with some of my deadlines. Sometimes certain projects don't get finished until the next day. In that way I can't truly call this space a "365" project. It's more of an experiment. I'll still make sure that there's a drawing, haiku and a project posted on each day, but just know they're not always done on the day stated. 90% of the time they are, but some days run away from me, as days are want to do. I'm not going to let botched deadlines and sticking to the "pureness" of the 365 statutes get in the way of me finishing this thing. I've got two more weekends of shows ahead of me and a wedding in two and a half months but this will keep happening! HUZZAH!

Haiku of the day:
Gargantuan flakes
upended in droves litter
the streets of Boston

Today's Drawing inspired by the word "Evitable" from MW's word of the day. Understandably, it's the opposite of inevitable so it's a thing that can be avoided.)

Today's 365 Project (Make something inspired by a tree. Emily took a guest spot with this one and made us a lovely tree monster for our bedroom.)

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