Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hysteria and Tornadoes

Day Two for Imaginary Life Three, History Teacher:

Last week I did some research on yeast and its history with humans, bread and beer. Today I'm looking at hysteria. Reading through this hefty chuck of text.

- Ancient people believe the uterus moved around and it made ladies crazy.

- The two main treatments at the time were 1.) "fumigations" localized to parts of the body to scare the uterus straight and 2.) sex with strong young men. *shudder*

- Later it would seem the treatments change to no sex and lots of laudanum, an alcoholic solution containing morphine. Woof.

- Then this chick from the Middle Ages is like "Ladies are ashamed to talk about Lady problems and so they get crazy!"

-Also this: Oh man....

Haiku of the Day:
First step out the door
and a strand of spider silk
catches in my mouth

Today's Drawing

Gust - keen delight

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