Sunday, October 5, 2014

Deceptions and Specters

Sonnet Sunday

Upon the seventh try, Deb lost her gall,
and left the booth with her head hanging low,
she couldn't win the tossing game at all,
despite her pointed eye and softball throw.
Deb crossed the trampled field to nearby tent,
and overheard a pair of stallhands chat,
"You hear about the racket run by Trent?
He's got a rig that's controlled with his hat."
Deb slipped away and returned to the booth,
where Trent and his trick hat stood by his game.
"You here for more?" He said, his sneer uncouth,
But Deb just grabbed a ball and took her aim.
With one swift hurl, Deb nailed Trent in the head,
and out his hat, a crafty cockroach fled.

Haiku of the Day:
Stern browed, steely eyed
The master stakes his resolve
on the crimson dusk

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Fulgent" from MW's word of the day. It means dazzling brightly or radiant.)

Today's "365" Project (Do something in the steam of a mirror.)
"The Man Who Looks Back"

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