Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Deckhands and Vamps

with lips stripped white and fraying,
the boatswain wavers
about the lurching galley.

The seductive sussurations
of ocean froth,
swell and diminish
like night static
and beckon with whispers.

Unnerved by the sea's articulations,
the boatswain stumbles his way
to the upper deck hatch.
He peels it open with an impressive heave
and unleashes the rage
and full invasion
of fluid elements.

Hulking, the boatswain bubbles forth
from the dry, woody warmth of the boat's belly.
The rain and wind transform him
into a slick, pathetic gosling,
bent and shivering on twiggy legs.

He hobbles aft with reeling limbs,
eye sockets clenched for fear of exposure.
The boatswain makes blind grasps
toward a trembling length of rope
but misses the mark,
and tumbles to the oaken planks.

On the harsh and slimy wood,
the boatswain breathed his last
as a callous, curling block of ocean
knocked him loose
and scud him to the deep.

Haiku of the Day:
Feral animals
lap honey from my earlobes
while simpletons gape

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Sempiternal" from MW's word of the day. It means, weirdly enough, never-ending or eternal.)

Today's "365" Project (Mail a postcard to a stranger. I got this from a book of creative postcards. I'm sending it to someone in Topeka, Kansas because it was the first place I could think of.)
"Invitation to Let Loose"

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