Saturday, October 18, 2014


Today was the last run of my show. I'm supposed to do a project about going somewhere you don't typically go and making something there. I'm choosing to interpret this entire theater project as that. I went somewhere I had never really been before with this show and with some wonderfully talented people and made a beautiful thing. It was hard. It had a ton of players and pieces. And it certainly had it's mistakes and blunders. But it felt great to be back in a space with a supportive crew, sweating our asses off and having a wonderful time. I couldn't be more grateful for the experience I've been through. Thank you imaginary beasts!

Haiku of the day:
Sweat, make-up, laughter
dust, tears, crashes, shadows, light
Flashes of the month

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Psychopathy" spoken with doubts by Kaitee Treadway.)

Today's "365" Project (Go somewhere new and do something there. See above!)
"Cheers to Knock!"

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