Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bye Bye July

The cogs begin to turn once August begins. There will be pinch points for this project in the near future...many things may be set in my path. Must be ready. Vowed to run 100 miles next month with my co-worker. No certain terms besides the deadline and the number, but we'll be keeping track.

In other news, Thanks to everyone who's been posting suggestions for me on that social media site we all begrudgingly use. It's been nice to have the support and suggestions lined up. I had been trying to get them everyday from a different person and I found my correspondence stretching thin. Again, if you have any sort of suggestion, be it a word or a topic, for either the drawing, haiku or even this writing section, I would gladly take it on!! Nothing is too weird. And I'll give you credit, of course (unless you don't want me that case, you will be given a name of my choosing.)

Godspeed, my web children, and let us welcome in the month of Rome's first emperor with open arms!

Haiku of the Day:
Duskwalkers prowl on
and holler through my window
emphatic curses

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Lethargic" posted by Emilia LaPenta)
Today's "365"Project (Do something with staples)
"Wilfred Stapleton"

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