Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wake Up Hope

Woke today from a different world. Sometimes this happens, when a dream state is so consuming that most of the day is spent shaking it off. I was an exposed nerve until 2 in the afternoon, tears and tantrums welling at the top of my skull. Found solace in laughter, which struck like lightning, and took a roiling caldron and turned it into a reflecting pool in just a moment. Frightening, the mercuriality of mindset.

Here's the update for week 5!

Running Mileage: 48.9/1,000
Push-ups: 520/10,000
Sit-ups: 480/10,000
Pages Read: 1235/6,000
Books Completed: 3/25
Word Written: 6548/100,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 8/100
TV: 21/100
Gaming: 31/100
Meat: 6/100
Junk: 5/100
Booze: 5/100

Par for the course...Keeping up with old standards, but still have to up the ante.

Haiku of the Day:
Drunk and running fast
I leap down a flight of stairs
Ankle nearly breaks

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Thwart" posted by Danielle Marsh)

Today's "365" Project (Make something old into something new)
"Keyboard Mantras"

For those who have trouble reading:
End Escape
Enter Sleep
Climb Home
Insert Power
Wake Up

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