Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pre-Trip Check

First of all, welcome friends and facebook link-clickers! Thanks for your support in coming and checking it out. I had over 100 people look. 100!! It's a little weird to have access to how many people visit the site everyday...

Getting ready to go back to Michigan. Yes you read me right. Michigan. AGAIN.

Heading there for an annual Beerfest that has become a bit of a tradition among the men in my immediate family. Might be a while before we get to do it with all of us again, because who knows where my freshly-graduated brother Ben may be living come this time next year. 

Alright, enough beating 'round the bush. Here are the stats for Week 4:

Running Mileage: 40.6/1,000
Push-ups: 370/10,000
Sit-ups: 330/10,000
Pages Read: 813/6,000
Books Completed: 2/25
Word Written: 5358/100,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 6/100
TV: 18/100
Gaming: 23/100
Meat: 5/100
Junk: 2/100
Booze: 4/100

At about half strength on the work-out goals. Definitely needs work. Though I am pretty happy with how little TV and video games I've been partaking. The food goals have also proved difficult due to unintentional, self-imposed scarcity. Booze will take a hit this weekend. Much of the same, and the same excuses of there being too much to do and not enough time...Thinking about hitting up a 5 mile run later this evening to make a small dent. Morning runs paired with two-a-days might be essential to getting it done.

Haiku of the Day:
With clear skies, let's get
preparations underway
for travel once more.

Today's Drawing (Inpsired by the word "Duck" fb messaged by Marie-Angela Della Pia Kikuchi)

Today's "365" Project (Make a disguise for yourself or something else)
"Blond, Bespectacled Stanley" 

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