Sunday, November 16, 2014

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

The creature of habit has returned with a voracious appetite, tearing up my well-kept home every time I try to make the place look nice. It just consumes and excretes and screams for more. And each opportunity I get enough strength to beat him down I give him one more chance to do it right this time. Maybe it'll be different. But it's never different. That bastard will sneak in and wreak havoc where ever he goes.  Ugh. I'm not having it anymore.

Haiku of the Day:
Return to Minecraft:
A lesson in the dangers
of game addiction

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Meliorism" from MW's word of the day. It's the believe that the world continues to improve and that humans can aide in its betterment. How nice!)

Today's "365" Project (Do something with your hands as feet or your feet as hands. I went Daniel Day Lewis in "My Left Foot" and drew a picture with, you guessed it, my left foot. It exemplifies the true-to-life story of struggling to draw anything discernible with just a foot for 20 minutes. Total Oscar bait.)
"Broken Alien Communication"

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