Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Particles in the Water

Missed my post deadline yesterday. It's my third one to date...not bad for 140 posts.

I want the snow flurries that blot out suns
I want the dark mystic orange overhang
I want the blood fury of naked apes
I want to rend wet cloth in a tub with teeth
and squeeze out mango juices from the source
and dirty my nails on damp earth
and fill my belly with wild greens
and questionable mushroom scraps.

I want to feel the hide on my back
where the under-skin had once married flesh.
I want the fresh, iron, sticky, water feel
of a prominent cut and how striking it lies on skin.

There is a peace somewhere deep
in the core of this withered fish.
Just need to shuck off the scales,
debone and swish the meaty
without tearing the gills.

Haiku of the Day:
Plucking the mind grapes
to slurry into purple
contemplative mash

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Anodyne" from MW's word of the day. It means serving to alleviate hurt or it describes something that is unlikely to offend or cause any sort of discomfort.)

Today's "365" Project (Do something with cutting up a book or magazine. I began cutting and then blacked out and this was what was left. Title speaks for the whole thing.)
"What Amounts to Nothing"

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