Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ride and Ramble

Weekly Watch (Week 22)

Running Mileage: 403.03/1,000
Push-ups: 3,500/10,000
Sit-ups: 3,500/10,000
Pages Read: 4,785/10,000
Books Completed: 13/25
Words Written: 40,863/100,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 43/100
TV: 57/100
Gaming: COMPLETE 136/100
Meat: 53/100
Junk: 44/100
Booze: 30/100

Awash in amicable conversation
I ride the high of human synapse
And relish in the casual comradery
Of my blinking fellow man.
Mumbled announcements and knowing nods
Percolate the mindscape
And ferment fondness in open vats
While I grin in supreme composure
Over all that I have seen and done.
Hands fumble and waste
On the ergonomic handles of svelte modernity, 
I gaze into the common likeness of strands of hair and grips of fingers.
A garbled voice announces:
"Please make sure you're holding on in this weather" and I lurk about the bowed heads, damp and shivering in their endeavors. And I cannot help but cry among the plummeting specks that soak and sting the eyes of my brethren.
Carelessly, I weep on multicolored plastic seats. Between sobs I massage the spring and metal catch of my glistening black umbrella.

Haiku of the Day:
Buzzed at one o'clock
Vacation vibes coming in
Down the brainstorm wire

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Crabwise"from MW's word of the day.)

Today's "365" Project (Make something with pencils. I tried to turn a pencil into a pen. Ended up with this monster.)
"Frankenstein's Pen(cil)"

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