Five weeks left.
Week 47
Running Mileage: 670.35/1,000
Running Mileage (With Friends): 692.45/1,000
Push-ups: 9,020/10,000
Sit-ups: 8,940/10,000
Pages Read: 8,927/10,000
Books Read: COMPLETED 26/25
Words Written: 87,907/100,000
Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 96/100
TV: COMPLETE 132/100
Gaming: COMPLETE 234/100
Meat: 97/100
Junk: 96/100
Booze: 86/100
Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Duo" from the fourth papercut this week)
Today's "365" Project (Do something with old music media items.)
"Lady Player"
Today's Runner
LIBBY SCHAP - In her words, "Two and half miles"
Week 47
Running Mileage: 670.35/1,000
Running Mileage (With Friends): 692.45/1,000
Push-ups: 9,020/10,000
Sit-ups: 8,940/10,000
Pages Read: 8,927/10,000
Books Read: COMPLETED 26/25
Words Written: 87,907/100,000
Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 96/100
TV: COMPLETE 132/100
Gaming: COMPLETE 234/100
Meat: 97/100
Junk: 96/100
Booze: 86/100
Amazing progress this week. A book finished. 20 miles already docked with an additional 20 from the graciousness of my friends and family. I may knock out every fast except for Booze this upcoming week. My eyes are on the prize...though I'm not really sure what the prize is. As long as I have a couple more weeks like this one I'll have this sucker wrangled and ready to take on Monster #2...The Next One.
In past Wednesdays, I've mused about what to do for the part two and I've changed my mind many times. I'm still not quite sure I want to keep it up, considering the sort of creative toll it puts on me...but then again, I quickly adapted to doing this sort of thing nearly everyday and I would not be as confident and capable had I not done imagine what a second year could accomplish!
So I've broken it down and I think these are going to be the main categories I focus on come June 25th and for my 28th year:
Collaboration - Doing stuff with other people is awesome. This project has been mostly about me doing shit by myself. I'm still bugging out over how excellent the guest blogging went during the honeymoon and I love the thought of working with a team to get something big accomplished. I may be starting a children's book with a good friend. I would also like to make something with my brother's, however small that may be. I've tried projects in the past that have fallen through, but I think I've got a solid base this time around to organize and motivate myself and others to get shit done.
Rest - This is huge. I need at least a day a week where I have to do virtually nothing for this space. Perhaps I loan it out to someone else to make a weekly comment on something. Maybe it's a simple thing where I take just one picture that day (like Sunday's or something) and that's all that I'm allowed to do. Or even an allotted number of "Vacation Days" that I give myself over the year. No matter what it is, I need a required rest so I don't burn out as I have in the past year. Not only is rest important in this space but in my life as a whole. I've already begun meditating for five minutes everyday to calm and de-clutter my thoughts. I'd like to create some requirement/tracking for my sleep as well and to form lasting habits that have already worked their way into my life as it did with my eating habits. I must polish the "do nothing" yin to my productive yang.
Longevity - Most everything I've created so far has been fleeting - something I can draw/write/do in a matter of hours or minutes. And aside from the actual Project itself, nothing made ever ended up forming into one big thing. Part of this is due to the design of the Project but a great deal stems from my adolescent sense of direction and piss-poor attention span. There was an attempt in the middle to create a sort of daily theme for the writing, but that only lasted a couple months before it spiraled out. All that being said, I'm looking to start setting down some roots: expanding on things from this past year and revising and compiling it all into a more solid thing. Doing edits and rewrites and edits of rewrites and rewrites of the edits of rewrites. Present something that has a polished form, from sentence structure to spelling and make something I can be proud of. Not to say I'm not proud of the things I've made so far...I've made A TON of things. But there's no denying they're all rough and ugly and unkempt. Which leads to the next thing....
Focus - I need to hone it all in. Currently, I'm all over the place and still just playing. With focus I can start making something that has legs...maybe even get to a place down the line where I make a thing so unique and finely crafted I get paid for it. Not the end goal for this at all, but it would be nice have it contribute to my day to day. I've wanted to be a full-time "artist" for as long as I can remember, (after wanting to be a mad scientist) and this is my path to it. It's overgrown with weeds and full of terrible monsters but I still think it's better than the alternative.
So that's what I'm mulling around with. Next week I'll start a list with potential ideas to fill in the skeleton.
Haiku of the Day:
Our nuptial knives
So sharp and unfamiliar
My fingers get cut
Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Duo" from the fourth papercut this week)
Today's "365" Project (Do something with old music media items.)
"Lady Player"
Today's Runner
LIBBY SCHAP - In her words, "Two and half miles"
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