Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Four weeks remain.

Week 48

Running Mileage: 682.20/1,000
Running Mileage (With Friends): 766.74/1,000
Push-ups: 9,225/10,000
Sit-ups: 9,225/10,000
Pages Read: 9,097/10,000
Books Read: COMPLETED 26/25
Words Written: 90,889/100,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 98/100
TV: COMPLETE 134/100
Gaming: COMPLETE 241/100
Meat: COMPLETE 102/100
Junk: 99/100
Booze: 89/100

My meat fast has been completed. Wavering at the edge of finishing the rest. The mileage from friends and family continues to pour in. I'm loving the stories they tell. I will probably reach the goal in a couple weeks at this rate! Thank you to all of you who are contributing. I feel honored.

So last week I was going over a few themes to cover for next year's potential project and i think I'll expand a bit on those this week a well:

Collaboration: Already I'm thinking about doing some projects with close friends and family members, but I'm also thinking about utilizing contributions from a group and stitching them together into a larger mosaic - whether it be drawings, writings or another form.

Rest: This one is here to remind me that there need to be more days off. At least once a week where the post is nothing but ONE very simple thing. Also I should continue to pursue my meditation practices and keeping a cap on my sleeping patterns.

Longevity: Thinking "endgame" should be on my radar: Do I want to put together a book? What can I do to make the work I create last and keep me invested? Perhaps working on something that i can revisit or build upon.

Focus: I'm thinking about starting to retouch/enhance my favorite drawings and post one a week...maybe round it down to an even 50 pictures total for the year. I'm not sure exactly the best way to do it, but I figure it can't be too incredibly difficult to figure out using tutorial videos and photoshop.

I'm thinking about a once a week reposting of polished versions of my poems/writings. Take a crack at some editing and making something cohesive and presentable.

Most of the focus is going to be about simplification...I'm in a very loud room of requirements at the moment that leaves me spread thin on all counts.

Haiku of the Day:
A layer of sweat
Permanently coats the skin
Summer has arrived

Today's Drawing (inspired by a thorn in the side)

Today's "365" Project (Make something using only things in your pocket.)
"Identity Sunburst"

Today's Runners

LIBBY SCHAP ran a composite 12 miles for the week!

TYMOTEUSZ KAJSTURA 5.86 miles @ 6:34 min/mi #milesformichael

ELLEN AMBROSE 3 miles with the delightful #milesformichael

JOE COOK See below


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