Monday, December 22, 2014

8th and 9th Day of Christmas!

So yesterday (the 8th Day) Emily played her 2DS on me, garnering her the win against my gift, a book about a 19th century lady naturalist that studies dragons. I love the artwork on it:


For today, I got Emily a stuffed whale as a secondary to her very cuddly but very worn sleeping companion named "Torpel"

And Emily got me...

A great running shirt! Both have merit and this one's tough, but in the end I'm going with the whale cause it's cute and I need a fighting chance. Pity Point!

12 Days of Christmas!
Emily: 5
Michael: 4
Haiku of the Day:
Fighting exhaustion
as the processors whir and
overheat from use.

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Fissile" from MW's word of the day. It's something capable of undergoing fission, or capable of being split in two.)

Today's "365" Project (Do something with all yellow.)
"Boot Flank"

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