Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Raging Storm

Faced some maddening weather in the early hours of the day to get mileage in. Nothing like bitter cold, pink limbs and sopping clothes to shock the system. One of those sort of things I wish I could do at the start of every day. But in reality, there is no way I will do at the start of ANY day unless backed into a corner by myself or others. This is the terrible rickety bridge between my bloated ideals and the crumbling foundation of my reality. The funny thing is when I manage to bind cement to steel with a couple ounces of determination and blind faith, I lace the bridge together in one solid mass.

Haiku of the Day:
Forty degree sleet.
Ice nettles on my bare legs.
Weather Be Damned!

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Mellifluous" from MW's word of the day. It means having a smooth, rich flow like honey.)

Today's "365" Project (Go medieval! Make something that resembles a protective armor. I posed in the clothes I wore to brave the elements today.)
"Warrior Coward: Running Bravely from Battle to Battle!"

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