Sunday, August 14, 2016

Curses! Broiled again!

Check Check Check 1,2...1,2

Yeah still not doing great here. I'm crawling by on fumes. But still progressing despite. I'm working up to getting be into reading and I'm nearly caught up with my drawings. There will be a massive upload that happens tomorrow since I'll finally get the time to scan them. I'm still on the fence about whether to do the Cleansing month in September...It would require a taking out cursing, animal products and drinking. I think I might at least try the cursing thing. I swear like a f*cking sailor.

Stats so far:

Days of My Lives:
1. Dancer - 3
2. Board Game Designer - 3
3. History Teacher - 3
4. Poet - 3
5. Carpenter - 3
6. Voice Actor - 3
7. Survivalist - 4
8. Playwright - 3
9. Drag Queen - 3
10. Spiritual Counselor - 3

Haiku of the Day:
Vegan diner fare
More food than one should consume
I need a long nap

Today's Drawing

Tog - to dress especially in fine clothing — usually used with up or out

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