Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Day Four for Imaginary Life Ten, Spiritual Counselor:

So I've ordered a coping book. A coping book for mood disorders and stuff. My plan is to work through it with the guidance of a therapist of some kind once I get to Silver Spring. I'm the closest I've been in a while to going head on back into the psychiatric establishment to better right the ship and steady the sea. This means making it a new priority and re-examining where the self ends and the disease begins. I've too often believed the hypo-manic self is my true self, my ideal self. This means I spend the rest of the time self-medicating and mourning and searching. It is not an efficient or productive way to live. It has hindered any professional aspirations I've had and kept me in a state of arrested development, despite the efforts of this blog.

Let's get back to basics.

Haiku of the Day:
Splayed hand hits the dash
a bony starfish on blue
for a moment: Ease

Today's Drawing


1 : to set right : remedy
2 : to purify (as alcohol) especially by repeated or fractional distillation
3 : to correct by removing errors

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