Thursday, August 4, 2016

Destruction, Reversed

Day Three for Imaginary Life Five, Carpenter:

What is it to be a builder? To work with one's hands at raw materials until a thing is made? What on earth can I build? What are my raw materials? This deep self-loathing? A history of supreme enlightenment in tandem with existential gut-dread? How on earth so I

go about molding that into a useful thing? How do I begin making something of worth? Will the questions end? With the unraveling of the mind reveal a clear smooth core? Or am I going to find that I'm all twine and that each unspooling is one step closer to a frayed end and a messy tangle?


Haiku of the Day:
Married man at home
no wife to keep things civil
chaos reigns supreme

Today's Drawing

Edify - to instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge

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