Wahoo! 50 days into the project and still trucking along. A little less than a seventh of the way through...Here's an update!
Running Mileage: 95.5/1,000
Push-ups: 710/10,000
Sit-ups: 650/10,000
Pages Read: 1623/6,000
Books Completed: 4/25
Word Written: 8640/100,000
Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 8/100
TV: 27/100
Gaming: 44/100
Meat: 12/100
Junk: 9/100
Booze: 10/100
Running Mileage: 95.5/1,000
Push-ups: 710/10,000
Sit-ups: 650/10,000
Pages Read: 1623/6,000
Books Completed: 4/25
Word Written: 8640/100,000
Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 8/100
TV: 27/100
Gaming: 44/100
Meat: 12/100
Junk: 9/100
Booze: 10/100
Better than past weeks by far in terms of increase. This running challenge helps.
Haiku of the Day:
Wine and pierogis
after a psychotic day
The comforts of home
Today's Drawing(s) (SPECIAL! Helped my lovely friend and her wife make a ice bucket challenge video!)
(If you couldn't tell from the video, we had her write it in!)
Today's "365" Project (do something all with white objects)
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