Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Teeming Underneath

Stress blinders impede the sense of time and perspective. All the availible focus falls on the electricity and fire of what lies directly before the bow. But once contact is made, the energy bursts both forward and back and consumes all history, blanketing the present and future with her horrible ashes. That is the moment of the sheerest death of feeling, of place, of purpose. Once that instant passes, the ashes will fall away and you'll be left with what you had before the blinders went up, and it will all seem like some strange dream or errant possession into another void. You are left with only memory and a great fatigue of the mind. 

This is the nature of me. I do hope it passes soon.

Update! This is week 6 now...yeesh.

Running Mileage: 68.94/1,000
Push-ups: 635/10,000
Sit-ups: 600/10,000
Pages Read: 1404/6,000
Books Completed: 4/25
Word Written: 7627/100,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 8/100
TV: 25/100
Gaming: 37/100
Meat: 7/100
Junk: 6/100
Booze: 8/100

Haiku of the Day:
Each and every day
brings more pain and suffering
What a cheery thought!

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Ecstasy" messaged by Michelle Rice)

Today's "365" Project (do something with tape...not every one's a winner :/ )
"Tribal Garbage Mask"

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