Thursday, August 21, 2014

Teeth, Paper, Fire!

Dentist appointment today. Afraid because I've turned into one of those people that puts it off...can't remember the last one I had. Been living in so many places with "alternative" health plans that it's been tough to keep consistent. Also, I'm lazy and don't like dealing with appointments. I have trouble remembering planned phone conversations with people I LIKE, so naturally I'm not going to keep up with a stranger that puts his or her hands in my mouth. That's not even addressing the pain and the guilt-tripping and the horrible sucky-pointy devices. I mean it's barely worth talking about because the disdain is so universal. Why haven't they figured out how to make it pleasant yet? I know there's been some advances in the pain aspect...but how bout some incentives for regular care?

But with that, the conversation suddenly gets bigger: Why don't we create incentives for all other kinds of preventative measures? I mean, yes, the incentive for these behaviors will pay off in the future if you're smart, but how about for those of us who don't know better? Certainly this would bring everybody's quality of living up considerably.

Aaaaaaand diatribe over. Off to the dentist!

Haiku of the Day:
Coffee bites severe
on ropy retinal nerves 
itchy at the base

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Immolate," which ignited in my brain-pan after a few really lame verb generations)

Today's "365" Project (Make something "life-size")
"Paper Kuehn's Escape!"

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