Friday, August 15, 2014

Peace Pieces

There are days where I feel touched. I know that sounds both crazy and a little gross, but there's something about all the horrible garbage I put myself through on a daily basis, and when that is assuaged for a short period of time thanks to an act of kindness, or a nice moment, or the right kind of drunk, I feel this sense of quiet and peace and it is as if someone has reached into a vital part of me and cradled it. I feel at home, and safe and like everything's going to turn out for the better. I've been able to hold onto it for long periods of time, but sometimes it goes away for a decent length and I forget. It came back today, after such an absence and I feel truly blessed. hahaha hashtag blessed. It comes off stupid but it's the best way of putting it. That level of gratefulness that's in line with miracles. Like you didn't deserve it in the first place. 

Haiku of the Day:
Watching the Birdcage
After finishing Derek
So much forgiveness

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Dippy" spoken by Tracy Huang)
Today's "365" Project (Do something upside down)
"Light up my Room"

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