My ninth challenge month will be The Month of Conquest. During this month I'll be going on various adventures in and around the city of Boston. My hope is to get a picture for each destination I visit. I will be choosing the destination by asking friends and relatives to pick places they would like to see me go! That's the plan at least. This is all in an attempt to see the parts of Boston that I haven't had a chance to see in case I end up leaving in the coming year.
Months so far:
The Month of Conditioning (July)
The Month of Conquest (August)
The Month of Cleansing (September)
The Month of Composition (November)
The Month of Competition (January)
The Month of Contemplation (February)
The Month of Computation (March)
The Month of Comedy (April)
The Month of Courage (May)
Months so far:
The Month of Conditioning (July)
The Month of Conquest (August)
The Month of Cleansing (September)
The Month of Composition (November)
The Month of Competition (January)
The Month of Contemplation (February)
The Month of Computation (March)
The Month of Comedy (April)
The Month of Courage (May)
Haiku of the Day:
A Copious Phlegm:
The thirty page novella
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