Friday, June 17, 2016

Tech and Fireworks

The eighth challenge month will be The Month of Computation. During this month my hope is to build my own computer and learn the basics of a Linux operating system. I've been woefully behind when it comes to my computer literacy so I wanted to spend a month devoted to learning what I can. It seem like a tall order now, but if that's what I spend my free time on I think I'll make some progress. Perhaps I'll create a list of things I'd like to be able to accomplish on the new computer once I've made it so I have some benchmarks along the way.

Months so far:
The Month of Conditioning (July)
The Month of Cleansing (September)
The Month of Composition (November)
The Month of Competition (January)
The Month of Contemplation (February)
The Month of Computation (March)
The Month of Comedy (April)
The Month of Courage (May)

Haiku of the Day:
Guessing at fireworks
without divulging too mush
is tiresome work

Today's Drawing

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