Been a while since one of these was posted, but I'm still keeping track. With less than two months away, I've got some work ahead of me.
Week 44
Running Mileage (ON HOLD DUE TO INJURY): 649.68/1,000
Push-ups: 8,255/10,000
Sit-ups: 7,890/10,000
Pages Read: 8,119/10,000
Books Read: COMPLETED 25/25
Words Written: 79,828/100,000
Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 89/100
TV: COMPLETE 124/100
Gaming: COMPLETE 218/100
Meat: 83/100
Junk: 85/100
Booze: 75/100
Let's just go in order. Running was kept on hold through the vacation due to time constraints and fear of injury. I'm planning on sending out a call to arms soon to have some friends do a "guest run" to help bridge the gap by June 25th. I do miss it. I have been getting slight cardio workouts in with my Hero's Journey workout, so I imagine starting up again shouldn't be too difficult but I will take my time this go. Shooting for at least 100 miles in the next two months.
Push-ups are higher than sit-ups because I do more of them with the previously mentioned Hero's Journey workout. They both should be easy I just have to put in the time. Hopefully they'll be some of the last sit-ups I do because of all the evidence that they're really bad for your back.
Pages are on the right track, and I hope to get some decent reading sessions in soon. Currently going through the works of H.P. Lovecraft in addition to a collection of stories by Lydia Davis. Both are lovely but difficult in their own ways so I'm been lily-padding them over the past few weeks. I also finished my book requirement which seems meager to most but, at about two and a half books a month, this is the most read I've been since early high school...and back then I had time. SO MUCH TIME. (And that's where someone chimes in with "Wait til you have kids!" and then I throw a shoe at their head.)
Words written is still a toughie and will be until the bitter may be privy to a few novellas in the last days and for that I apologize. As far as the exercise of writing everyday goes, I think it's been helping at a turtle's pace. Must keep the big picture in mind when facing the dumb, white, empty page. Most of it is and will be garbage. Get over it, try and things will get better.
As far as fasts go, most everything's on track except for my alcohol consumption which took a big hit with the wedding and subsequent honeymoon. I'll have to be vigilant if I want to make the 100.
I feel good about the rest of it...I'm looking forward to shedding these "365" prompts...I think I can make my own things without it at this point. I will forge through with the final 50 of so and then move forward. Already have a few things in the works for the AFTER times. Getting excited!!
Also I'm doing a 30 day cold shower thing starting on Friday. Will have Emily tape the first one for posterity. Get ready for some pleading and squealing.
Today's Drawing (inspired by the term "Sea Sickness" from a dramamine flashback)
Today's "365" Project (Make something using things you would only find in a hardware store. Shark Attack!)
"Lumber Mouth"
Week 44
Running Mileage (ON HOLD DUE TO INJURY): 649.68/1,000
Push-ups: 8,255/10,000
Sit-ups: 7,890/10,000
Pages Read: 8,119/10,000
Books Read: COMPLETED 25/25
Words Written: 79,828/100,000
Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 89/100
TV: COMPLETE 124/100
Gaming: COMPLETE 218/100
Meat: 83/100
Junk: 85/100
Booze: 75/100
Let's just go in order. Running was kept on hold through the vacation due to time constraints and fear of injury. I'm planning on sending out a call to arms soon to have some friends do a "guest run" to help bridge the gap by June 25th. I do miss it. I have been getting slight cardio workouts in with my Hero's Journey workout, so I imagine starting up again shouldn't be too difficult but I will take my time this go. Shooting for at least 100 miles in the next two months.
Push-ups are higher than sit-ups because I do more of them with the previously mentioned Hero's Journey workout. They both should be easy I just have to put in the time. Hopefully they'll be some of the last sit-ups I do because of all the evidence that they're really bad for your back.
Pages are on the right track, and I hope to get some decent reading sessions in soon. Currently going through the works of H.P. Lovecraft in addition to a collection of stories by Lydia Davis. Both are lovely but difficult in their own ways so I'm been lily-padding them over the past few weeks. I also finished my book requirement which seems meager to most but, at about two and a half books a month, this is the most read I've been since early high school...and back then I had time. SO MUCH TIME. (And that's where someone chimes in with "Wait til you have kids!" and then I throw a shoe at their head.)
Words written is still a toughie and will be until the bitter may be privy to a few novellas in the last days and for that I apologize. As far as the exercise of writing everyday goes, I think it's been helping at a turtle's pace. Must keep the big picture in mind when facing the dumb, white, empty page. Most of it is and will be garbage. Get over it, try and things will get better.
As far as fasts go, most everything's on track except for my alcohol consumption which took a big hit with the wedding and subsequent honeymoon. I'll have to be vigilant if I want to make the 100.
I feel good about the rest of it...I'm looking forward to shedding these "365" prompts...I think I can make my own things without it at this point. I will forge through with the final 50 of so and then move forward. Already have a few things in the works for the AFTER times. Getting excited!!
Also I'm doing a 30 day cold shower thing starting on Friday. Will have Emily tape the first one for posterity. Get ready for some pleading and squealing.
Haiku of the Day:
My gaping wrist wound
taunts from the corners of eyes
The real and ugly
taunts from the corners of eyes
The real and ugly
Today's Drawing (inspired by the term "Sea Sickness" from a dramamine flashback)
Today's "365" Project (Make something using things you would only find in a hardware store. Shark Attack!)
"Lumber Mouth"
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