Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Wacky Wednesday: FREE-FOR-ALL! (and also a check-in on all my year challenges)

First off, let's take a look at week 10:

Running Mileage: 157.31/1,000
Push-ups: 930/10,000
Sit-ups: 780/10,000
Pages Read: 2401/10,000
Books Completed: 7/25
Word Written: 15207/100,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 15/100
TV: 34/100
Gaming: 65/100
Meat: 18/100
Junk: 11/100
Booze: 14/100

Not having internet at home has been a plus in this department, but Junk Food continues to be my bane. Great week for writing and running, but having the move smack dab in the middle messed with muscles and forced my hand on the other workout goals. Though I will continue to get busier this month, I feel the momentum going forward for the future...seeing significant spikes in improvement is a great motivator.

The first week of project writing is going well. Couple things:

  •  Typos, bad spelling, bad sentence structure and all those lovely writing warts are going to show up. If I'm doing this everyday, my edit process will be brief at best. These are meant to be practices and I do hope those sort of mistakes are minimized over time. 
  • I'm a little sad my internet is down, but discovering that I can post from my phone (without pictures) is pretty astounding. Internet should be up soon!
  • I'm enjoying my subject matters and each challenge seems relatively doable. We'll just have to see how it goes as I get a few under my belt.

Haiku of the Day:
Formatting the blog
on the screen of my phone is

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "pericope" from's word of the day because Merriam-Webster was lame and did El Nino today. A pericope is a portion of sacred writing for a service or lesson.)

Today's "365" Project (Do something with shoes)
"The Seven Shoemurs"

I was going through what shoes I had after the move, and I discovered I only had seven pairs and each of them served a specific purpose. So I found some nifty little personality things based off of each of them, in the style of a zodiac, or the Seven Gods from Game of Thrones.

The Loafer - Practical, Inquisitive, Cerebral

The Sandal - Understanding, Focused, Calm

The Flip-Flop - Fun, Expressive, Easy-Going

The Oxford - Charismatic, Perfectionist, Proud

The Workboot - Loyal, Humble, Helpful

The Sneaker - Creative, Tactile, Unique

The Trainer - Powerful, Adventurous, Driven

What shoe do you wear? I'm on the cusp of Loafer and Flip-Flop...I'd like to be a Trainer though. 

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