Sunday, September 28, 2014

Mirror rorriM

Sunday Sonnet - A cautionary tale for children

While underneath a dentist's glaring lamp,
face cradled in a gaseous plastic hood,
Mel's doctor's hand seized in a heinous cramp,
and in Mel's mouth the doctor did no good.
The blood filled up in Mel's poor frozen throat,
and Ol' Doc Frank grabbed for his suction straw,
but in his reach he snagged his pristine coat,
and fell face first into Mel's gaping maw.
Inside Mel's gullet Frank began to drown,
in spit, regret and teeth and bloody gums,
He thought, "My God, is this how it goes down?"
and found his end in Mel's last chokes and hums.
So kids, please brush and floss your teeth each day,
Or Mel and Doc, as ghosts, will make you pay.

Haiku of the Day:
Masked by sunglasses
The hordes suck through long green straws
dredges of sweet fuel

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Helpmate" for's word of the day. It's a companion or spouse. I loosely used it for my 365 Project.)

Today's "365" Project (Do something entirely while watching yourself in a mirror. The same results will probably occur as they did in the left handed one from a couple months ago.)

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