Sunday, September 7, 2014

Spittle and Lemons in the Universe

Sonnet Sunday

If I were to upend my bloody mind,
Where contents grave and gory multiply,
I fear my kin would not respond in kind,
And puzzle at the need to rectify.
For keeping heads at bay has been my pledge,
E'er since I can remember acting out,
And so when heats and itches reach the edge,
The purge has been the closer in the bout.
So when you see expulsions on the page,
Of dreary life and subjects bleak and dire,
Just know it's vomit in a state of rage,
White ash and soot scooped from a forest fire.
So please, when reading, take with grains of salt,
The meanings buried deep within the vault.

Haiku of the Day:
Flooded by the scope
of things to come, I swim and
glide above the waves.

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "tantamount" from MW's word of the day.)

Today's "365" Project (Draw something with chalk on the sidewalk)
"Nothing. What's a motto with you?"

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