Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Honing Flux

Watch Wednesday

Easing into writing has gotten cleaner, but I'm feeling a plateau coming on. Like the habit is forming fine enough, but the writing lacks the punch I usually experience.  I'm a colloquial writer, always have been, and sometimes that natural voice looks wonky and forced once I vomit it on page. I've been outside of doing regular writing for a long time. You could argue I never really did it regularly, even when in classes. It was a lightning-striking sort of situation, and I let that carry my through high school and college. Often it would be my innovations that would earn me the grade, and never my acumen for spelling, structure and/or grammar. My discipline was and is highly lacking and writing has been no exception.

A big part of the project is to find some way to hone that ax, build some habits and willpower that I never had to build before. As of now, 85 days in, I'm still unsure of how effective it is. I have completely cut out video games from my lifestyle, which is for the better, but I also find myself moodier and more stressed than before, (though that's understandable considering the demands I've put forward.) There was a transition sometime in the first month though, where the project became less of a hassle and more of something I look forward to everyday. So I guess what I can take from this is:

You're too close to it to come to any conclusions. Push forward and stay vigilant.

Week 12!

Running Mileage: 195.26/1,000
Push-ups: 1,490/10,000
Sit-ups: 1,380/10,000
Pages Read: 2,656/10,000
Books Completed: 7/25
Words Written: 20,343/100,000

Fasts (Days without)
Internet: 22/100
TV: 35/100
Gaming: 79/100
Meat: 26/100
Junk: 19/100
Booze: 14/100

Big Leaps in PU and SU. Running still strong, though continually 30 + miles behind where I need to be. Booze is now trouble, though I'm not drinking a lot, it still kills the numbers to drink a beer a day. Writing is catching up fast...I feel like the goals are still in reach. Again this may change over the weekend when I have no time to do much of anything but theater, but I'm optimistic.

Haiku of the Day:
I slept on the couch 
after a junk food binging.
Partner-less I flail.

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Lantern" from a random word generator.)

Today's "365" Project (Do something with words. Yes this is my prompt today. I could totally cop out and just point to everything above this but I won't do that. I'll just re-purpose an old project!)
"Self-Centered Philosophy"

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