Thursday, September 18, 2014


Tell-all Thursday

Flashes of the day:

-Rose late and scrambled for work, veggie burrito and ear-buds despairingly left behind.

-Crowded by a pair of French tourists on the T. They spoke furiously-quick French the whole trip. When I went to leave at my stop I said "Pardon, s'il vous plait. Merci." and left. I really hope they think I could understand them the whole time.

-Ran the Charles River during my lunch break and watched the late summer tanners fry. Avoided goose crap during push-up/sit-up intervals.

-Thought Panda Express would be a decent replacement for forgotten veggie burrito. Horribly disappointed.

-Started Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy and realized the book in the story of the same name is basically a smart phone with access to Wikipedia.

-Pushed my sled for the first time! (Reference to my show. SPOILER: I will be pushing a sled.)

-Ate some noodles and drank some tea after 11.

Haiku of the Day:
Strip down in bathroom
Dabbing body with TP
My post-run "shower"

Today's Drawing (inspired by the word "Hegemony" from MW word of the day.)

Today's "365" Project (Do something with candles/wax. I dripped wax eyes into an older project!)
"Siskin's Eyes"

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